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Thermiekstraat 301117 BC Schiphol-East +31 (0)20 6451145 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 34086546 VAT: NL8116114499B02
Policy Statement
Management Statement Regarding KAM System Spirit Hospitality Services
Focus and scope of activities
The management of Spirit Hospitality Services hereby declares, that it has integrated a management system within the total company organization. Spirit Hospitality Services is engaged in offering reception services and the deployment of hospitality staff at events. It wants to be known in the market as the service provider that maintains quality as its most important pillar. Spirit Hospitality Services does not develop new products with the result that standard requirement 8.3 of ISO 9001:2015 is excluded in this management system. Standard requirement 7.1.5. of ISO 9001:2015 is also excluded given that Spirit does not use means of monitoring and measurement.
This management system satisfies at least the applicable laws & regulations, customer requirements and wishes of the main stakeholders. As well as the continuous improvement requirements that the ISO 9001:2015, sets for management systems.
In describing the organization and providing insight into the business process, it was assessed whether sufficient control measures and resources (training/equipment/infrastructure) were available. Where this proved insufficient, the system was tightened. During the periodic reviews, it is assessed whether the system is still adequate, and any changes to it are indicated. Management of the resulting measures is provided for by means of the action list (B-650a.).
Customer requirements
Within our business process, the wish of the customer is central in combination with continuously increasing customer satisfaction. This ensures our continuity. The formulation of this wish came about through the analysis of customer contacts. This wish has been translated into a package of services provided by our organization. The quality manual describes how our organization ensures that we continue to meet this requirement.
Annually, the experiences and insights regarding customer requirements and other relevant stakeholders will be updated in a consultation prior to the assessment of the management system.
Quality Management System
This handbook contains the description of our processes, using the ISO 9001:2015 standard as a starting point. The entire management holds itself responsible for the correct compliance with the system and that it complies with laws and regulations. The KAM coordinator is in charge of managing the management system. He has satisfied himself that all executive have understood the goals of the management system and that they are able to implement (or have implemented) the necessary regulations. All employees have been instructed to comply with what is prescribed in the quality management system. Management will review the implementation and operation of the system (such as procedures and work instructions) according to a set schedule.
Provide necessary resources
In describing the organization and understanding the business process, it was assessed whether sufficient resources (training/equipment/infrastructure) in the required area of are available. During the periodic review, changes to this are indicated.
Corrective, preventive, and ameliorative measures
Every employee within the organization has the right and the duty to indicate points of improvement regarding quality aspects within the organization. This with the aim of: Continuous improvement of the processes and thus meeting customer requirements even better.
Annual goals are formulated (B-650c) and evaluated annually during the management system review. These are drawn up for each aspect, with the corresponding measuring points. These annual goals, together with the stakeholder risk analysis (B-400a), form a living part of this policy statement.
Schiphol-East, Oct. 3, 2024
T.A.M. Jongen
Director of Spirit Hospitality Services